Eyemouth Harbour is situated 55° 53N, 02°5’28W on the South East coast of Scotland.
Charts: Admiralty Chart 1612 / Imray C24 / OS 67
The Hurkar Rocks at the entrance are marked by a North Cardinal Mark. Use the leading lights on a leading line of 174°. The deepest water is to the East of the harbour entrance, with a sandy anchorage to the West. Once within the mouth of the harbour keep mid channel.
55º 53’ North 02º 05’ West |
Harbour Radio: VHF Channel 12 Harbourmaster Telephone: Mobile: 07885 742 505 |
Please Note: Water depths are variable, especially in our entrance channel. Please contact the Harbour Master on 018907 50223 / 07885 742505 or VHF Channel 12 for up to date information.