A new ice production facility for use by the fishing industry is now operational at Eyemouth Harbour in South East Scotland.
Funding from European Maritime Fisheries Fund and Scottish Borders Council Eyemouth Regeneration Fund was secured in 2018 and enabled the Trust to undertake the project. The project included decommissioning an obsolete plant (formerly owned by the Eyemouth Ice Co-operative which ceased trading in 2016) and purchase of new, modern, fit for purpose machinery.
The new plant has a capacity of 5 tonnes per day, producing macro flake ice which will be sold in 500 Kgs bins. Ice will be delivered directly to fishing vessels via a new incline conveyor system.
Operations of ice production facility will be supported by a specially adapted forklift truck, which was part funded EMFF Forth FLAG Community Led Local Development program. The new forklift truck has the capacity to safely transfer ice from the bins to the delivery system. The funding included training for members of staff who will operate the truck.
Councillor Mark Rowley, Scottish Borders Council’s Executive Member for Business and Economic Development, said: “Eyemouth Harbour, and the businesses and fleet that use it, are hugely important to the local economy and I am delighted that Scottish Borders Council has enthusiastically supported this vital and locally-led project.
“Eyemouth and East Berwickshire is a particular focus for this Council, and this is just one of a range of recent developments we have supported. The ice plant will not only support existing businesses along the Berwickshire coast but hopefully attract more vessels to use the harbour, strengthening its long-term viability and protecting local jobs.”
Rosalind McArthur, EMFF Forth FLAG Programme Co-Ordinator added “This was a significant project for our coastal community and the Forth FLAG were delighted to support it.”
Christine Bell, Eyemouth Harbour Trust Business Manager commented “Ice is essential to keep the catch in optimum condition for onward distribution to markets. This new facility means Eyemouth can offer a full suite of services to the local and visiting fishing fleets and demonstrates the ongoing commitment of Eyemouth Harbour Trust to continuing support for the fishing industry in Eyemouth.”
All enquiries and orders for ice should be directed to the Eyemouth Harbour Master’s Office on 018907 50223 or email: harbourmaster@eyemouth-harbour.co.uk